Sunday, February 10, 2008

Death Penalty

The oldest form of punishment, the Death Penalty (aka Capital Punishment). It is highly debated in America and is thought to be cruel and unusual punishment. Some states in America don't even support the death penalty. New York didn't support capital punishment until in the early 90's. Even then few people have been executed from death row. My senior paper was on this same article. Originally I felt that the death penalty was something that makes America great because it serves as just punishment for the sick criminals that live in this world. Therefore I absolutely supported it, but after looking at statistics of the court cases I was disgusted. If i remember correctly, it costs roughly $100,000 to have an average criminal serve a life sentence under the highest security, but yet the average court case for capital punishment is around $2 million. The money is paid by the taxpayers providing the criminal defense in his case. Would anyone want their money being used for that? That means supporting the defense of a man that could have molested children, raped young woman, or shot an innocent man on the street. I stand by the death penalty but the flaws in the system need to be fixed because there is too much of the citizens money being put into the defense of criminals that deserve to die. Yes, I feel that any man or woman that has a sick enough mind to commit horrific crimes and kill or severely harm innocent people, deserves to die. It's harsh but it's the truth! How would anyone not support the death penalty?

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