Sunday, February 3, 2008

First Post

For my first blog post, I took a simple argument that occured this weekend with a group of college kids evaluating a picture of a controversal issue in today's society. Over in my friends room there was a playboy centerfold hung on his wall, as girls began to pile into the room a mixed discussion about whether it was acceptable or disguisting began. Obviously the guy's view of the picture were more than acceptable, due to the pleasure aspect. The real evaluation of this argument exist within the women who split their decision. The accepting group of girls welcomed the picture because it served as motivation to look as fit and beautiful as the girl in the picture. The opposing viewpoint of the other girls was the exact opposite, the girls were disgusted a woman would let herself be viewed like that and were disgusted that it was allowed in today's society. This brings up the point that in today's society is it socially acceptable to have pornography pictures visible hung up? Would be interesting to see this classes views between the girls and guys.

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