Sunday, February 24, 2008

School Shootings

The latest school shooting occured at Northern Illinois University, leaving 5 students dead. When are people going to learn that this is unacceptable in today's society and needs to be stopped? The epitamy of school terrorism occured last year as Virginia Tech had numerous students and faculty killed and injured. I remember reading stories of the student who committed the shootings. He was a loner, that had no direction in life, even his teachers noticed his unstable state of mind and wanted him removed from their classes. In the retrospect of the VT incident, many videos and images were found of the shooter. This proves that the student was trying to make a life for himself by getting noticed in a negative manor. Seeing how the media portrays criminals in the news, he must have known that he could have a reason for his existence by making the newspaper at every doorstep. My arguement is that unstable people in society are beginning to display themselves in a modern "kamikaze" to make a name for themselves. Take the criminal from the VT shootings, as he deliberately left videos and numerous pictures of him holding guns and other miscellanious weapons. I feel that anyone that is at such an unstable state of mind should have moments of calling for help. People just need to notice that and help them as you would help a friend, in order to prevent disasters such as the NIU shootings or the VT shootings. I would end on the quote of "Life is too valuable to waste.

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