Monday, March 17, 2008

Evaluation of ITS Password Change

I just recieved an email from the ITS helpdesk telling about the need to change our passwords, as I'm sure everyone reading this article is in the same dilemma. With only a quarter of the first school year left to go, the ITS decides to change the password secuirty here at Ithaca. First of all it's a waste of time. Honestly, who steals peoples passwords to their email and webct account. There is no benefit of having that password, unless you want to read their lame school emails they recieve or look at their grades. Feel free to steal mine because there is no need for such a secure password for an area that isn't even that meaningful to me. If it were the password to my Etrade account, which is doing as good as the stock market right now, then I would want a very secure password. The requirements of the password are even more ridiculous because you must have a combination of 8 figures with numbers, letters, and a special key such as a % * _ - !. Why would i ever want a special key in my password to confuse me more? A simple letter and number combination is very easy. Another flaw in the system is that in 120 days I have to reset my password. That means on July 15th, 2008 when I'm sitting at home, I'm going to have to work on setting a new password to make sure my account is secure. Luckily I'll remember do it, and even worse remember my password to do it. Otherwise I will have to see the ITS desk personally in the fall to fix the problems this occurs. How do the other students feel on this subject? I can guarantee that the majority will feel the same way because it is a waste of time and shouldn't have to be addressed.

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