Monday, March 17, 2008

Response to Abstinence

In response to Jordan's acticle on Abstinence, which can be found at

After reading his blog, it reminded me of my high school. I reminised back to a day in 5th grade calss when we had our first sex ed class. It was only a lady that told us about sex, and it was overall a very childish thing that didn't get in depth. Once we got into middle school we were taught about it again with more in depth features of pregnency and std's. To simulate pregnency we had to take care of an egg for a week, and if the egg broke we would recieve a zero for the project. My egg survived but having to take care of baby in high school or even in college is outta control. It's impossible to handle a baby and an education in today's society of trying to get ahead in academics and balancing a baby. Safe sex was definately pushed hard at my school, abstinence was mentioned but overall it wasn't practiced by many. I remembered the older kids above my class had problems with STD's going around the school and I feel my class and the kids below us practiced more safe sex methods than the classes that graduated before us. I feel it's always safe to use a condom when having sex, just to be safe because no one wants to suffer from diseases that don't need to occur when only a dollar rubber can prevent. How do other students feel on this topic? Being in college I imagine views are different from when we were in high school.

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