Sunday, March 30, 2008

Response to "Freshman Parking Lots"

In response to The Freshman Parking Lot, and Traffic Services by Chris Coppin that can be found at

My first incident with the parking services here at Ithaca College occured on campus before school even started. In preseason for football we were not allowed to move our cars because of some odd football rule (even though we barely had time outside of practices) but I ended up getting a ticket. I tried to level with them but they found no point in disputing it. I then heard of a story from a friend of mine. Last year he was a freshmen and after fall break the freshmen parking lot was full of cars, in which some didn't have parking stickers to even park on campus. He parked his car, the best he could, in the grass off to the side because there were no spots left. He ended up getting a $30 ticket while the kids who didn't even have a parking sticker ended up recieving only $20. Now is this justice? I think not! The parking price is twice as much as it is for upper classmen. Personally, living in the towers, it is a hike! There are times I need to run downtown for supplies, and will not just because my car is so far away. I think that the parking needs to be readjusted because the faculty lots are never full, and the student would gladly park closer to their dorms from the convience. Once again the tuition paid for this school could help fund another small parking lot in a convinient location for students. I know lots of freshmen agree with this statement.

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