Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Response to "Britney"

In response to the article "Britney" by Liza found at

I find the whole topic of sex appealing dolls to young girls, absolutely disgusting because why would we want our young audience of children, that soak up everything they can learn as a sponge, idolizing sex appealing tactics. Girls that are targeted as the consumers of the bratz are roughly 4-12 yrs old. That is the age of innocence for young girls where they aren't corrupted by drugs, sex, etc. Then why would we want to change it and introduce them into sex appealing attitudes, where they dress as pretty much sluts when they are only children that haven't even experienced puberty yet. Liza did some great research as she visited the website of the Bratz dolls to find all the girl dolls information. It's insane how one girl is "right now a vegetarian", and another is "not afraid of confrontation, she knows who she is, what she wants and how to get it." Those are some comments that involve a lot of age to bring out of people. Little girls are not suppose to act like that. The marketers and designers of this product should be utterly disgusted with themselves, as they are corrupting the youth of our society. What gives them the right to be able to sell sex provacative toys on the market? There's one thing about making money, it is either done ethically or unethically. At the end of the day if someone can look into the mirror and say that they earned an honest dollar, through hard work and good ethics. Then that is great, but when your dealing with people that corrupt society, well their ethics are thrown out the window long before they can get to see themselves in the mirror of honesty.

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