Sunday, February 3, 2008

Response to "Nicked and Dimed"

The following post is a response to Seth's evaluation located at .
In his post he expressed the aspect of being "nicked and dimed" in which money is taken for every little thing that is used. There is a large consensus, if not all, that people at this college believe that Ithaca College does charge lots of fine fees and expenses compared to other colleges. I know for a fact that at other schools that charge less tuition are given free cable and internet. The only downfall is that they have to pay for laundry. Here at Ithaca we have the benefit of laundry but what most people don't know about the laundry is that tuition rose dramatically when laundry became free. A lot of things at this college have additional costs that add up constantly. Personally, I have lots of small expenses that I've already occurred such as being warned and fined, at the same time, for having too many connecting lights hung up in my room. How do you get a warning and a fine at the same time? I agree with the prior post the this college does take advantage of our money but what could be done to change it to make it better?
I know this is a highly debated topic on campus and everyone has an opinion

1 comment:

ECF said...

This certainly is a difficult issue for schools to deal with--would students/parents be more content having those kinds of costs built in automatically but paying a higher fee from the get-go for them (thus feeling as if you're getting them "for free"), or would they prefer to pay a lower tuition rate with the option to pay, or not pay, for cable and other such extras? As you can see, the college deals with these issues, as evidenced in your example of the laundry situation. Personally, I'd have appreciated that when I was in college (being stuck without clothes AND without quarters was often an unfortunate circumstance, indeed!).