Sunday, April 20, 2008

Evaluation: New York Yankees

What comes to mind when New York Yankees are mentioned? Some say the evil empire, a bunch of overpaid athletes but the real fans say the best baseball team that has won numerous championships. Personally, I was raised a Yankee fan being that I'm from New York (Sorry Mets, just not a fan). I'm not one of the many bang wagoners that choose to join the teams heritaged history but a true fan. Nowadays they have possibly the best lineup in baseball. We have one of the best clutch players in the league in Derek Jeter and one of the best statistic leaders with Alex Rodriquez. The rest of the lineup is full of the best players around the nation, some even out of the nation with Hideki Matsui from Japan. Our biggest question over the past years has been our pitching staff. There have been allegations with Roger Clemens and Andy Pettitte using illegal performance enhancing drugs. Roger is not currently on the roster, but Andy is, and pitched a great game today allowing the Orioles to only one run. We have the number one prospect in the league in Joba Chamberlin. He came up through the farm leagues of the Yankees and has been having an impact on the game since last year. Yes, the Yankees do now use the farm league teams for prospect. We were hated on for not looking for talent within the organization but now we do more than people would believe. As of now the Yankees are a solid 10-10 with a few star players out of the lineup. I think that this year is the year for the Yankees and will add yet another championship to there long list of 26 World Series Championships.

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