Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Parking Incident

I recieved a call from Kathy of the Parking Services this past Tuesday at 11am. By the time I was able to call her back it was 12pm. She told me that she wanted me to move my car parked in freshmen parking lot M to parking lot Z. LOT Z!!!!! The farthest lot away from my car! The reason behind all this chaos is because she said that there needed to be drilling in the area where my car was parked. What could they possible be drilling for at this time of year? There was no formal e-mail sent out to inform me that on April 8th, 2008 I was not going to be able to have my car there. Instead they called me on short notice. She also stated that if I didn't move it by 2pm then my car would have to be towed. TOWED?! How could I get towed for having my car parked in the correct lot? I think this is rediculous! Giving me 2 hours to move my car is not adequate time to move it. I had a class at 1pm and was forced to rush around before class to make sure my car was not going to get towed. To add into the fun of the day, my passenger window happened to stop operating because it would not go back up after I drove to the Z lot. I had to manually push it up then tape it (with tape I attained from a NYSEG worker, thankfully he was there). I can't believe our parking services here at Ithaca College are so rediculous. Why is it that our parking department is one of the hated services on campus? Well, I can guarantee it's because they are never prepared, organized, or justified. My proposal for my final essay in this class will be written on the Parking Dept due to this incident.

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